
Thursday, February 09, 2017

cfp Models for #Copyright Education in Information Literacy Programs #WLIC2017

There is a call for presentations for the one-day event Models for Copyright Education in Information Literacy Programs. This will be held 23 August 2017 at the University of Lower Silesia, Wrocław,Poland, as part of the World Library and Information Congress which is the annual conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). It is organised by the IFLA Copyright and other Legal Matters Advisory Committee and the IFLA Information Literacy Section. The deadline for proposals is 15 March 2017.
"The purpose of this day-long event is to discuss models for education on copyright, licensing, and other legal matters within the scope of information literacy programs. We encourage proposals to share views and implementations on copyright education in libraries and in universities aimed at introducing instructors, students, and librarians to the history, current laws, and application of copyright law. The session will focus on effective teaching methods of the full range of copyright and licensing issues for libraries, research and publication, and education: exclusive rights, copyright duration, limitations and exceptions, digital copyright, licensing in the digital environment, applications of the law nationally, the international copyright system, and the legal framework for open access licensing.
"The offsite session will be devoted to methodologies for providing a comprehensive knowledge of the legal landscape for copyright, licensing, and related legal and policy matters in libraries and universities. Due to time constraints, presentations focused on advocacy or to promotion of particular views on copyright reform are beyond the scope of the session."
More details at and the online proposal form is at

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