
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Voting for your vision of future libraries #iflaglobalvision

Voting at the Globalvision website was launched at the 2017 World Library and Information Conference in Wroclaw, Poland. Voting closes on 30 September 2017. There have been a series of face to face and virtual meetings amongst those involved in IFLA (the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) over the past six months, in all regions of the world, discussing a vision for libraries. I joined in a discussion virtually with fellow members of the IFLA Information Literacy Section. "They [were] focused on a set of questions designed through a collaborative process, e.g. What are the core values of libraries? What are libraries exceptionally good at? What are the main challenges to libraries? What would be the characteristics of a united library field?"
The current voting form basically has multiple choices for each of the questions, based on the responses gathered at the previous meetings. So, for example, for What should libraries do more of? You choose up to 5 of: Measure impact; Foster research and innovation; Advocacy‎ Training and development of staff and leaders‎; Embrace digital innovation‎; Community engagement‎; Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [that's the United Nations goals] and the current social needs‎; Promotion and marketing; Partnership and collaboration; Support learning, literacy and reading
You can vote at Also at you can download a package (available in 7 languages) which includes the poster I am holding in the photo. As well as publicising libraries, it is also showing IFLA's commitment to a multicultural, global community of librarians, so people are encouraged to take selfies with the poster in their language and put it on social media using #iflaglobalvision

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