
Wednesday, September 06, 2017

More open access articles: Disabled in library one-shots; Cross collaborative supervision in nursing; Graduate research methods

- Sheidlower, S. (2017). Accommodating the disabled in library one-shots at York College/CUNY. codex, 4(3). (Abstract: The library is an academic department at York College of the City University of New York and offers one-shot classes in information literacy at the for all other academic departments at the college. Since these library classes are taught by library faculty rather than by the subject professors, it is quite possible that they would not be aware of, and therefore not accommodate, the disabled students who attend these specific information literacy classes. This article recommends best practices for teaching librarians who may need to make accommodations for the disabled while teaching these library classes, currently used at York’s library. The policy background that caused the library to do this is not only based in law but, as discussed here, it is also based in professional library policies put forward by the American Library Association. This article also reviews the history of services for the disabled in libraries.")
- Tonning, A.S.V. et al. (2017). Collaboration (Editorial). Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education (NORIL), 9(1).
- Kolstad, A.K. (2017) Students’ learning outcomes from cross-collaborative supervision in information seeking processes during work placements. Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education (NORIL), 9(1). (Abstract starts: "This article presents student experiences and learning outcomes in information literacy (IL) and evidence-based practice (EBP) following interdisciplinary supervision of their assignments by nurse educators, nurse supervisors and librarians in real clinical settings. The article is based on qualitative and quantitative text analysis of 102 individual student logs, qualitative text analysis of 36 student group assignments, feedback from an evaluation form and 285 blog and wiki comments from students, nurse educators, nurse supervisors and librarians. It is analysed according to the first five steps of the EBP model of and feedback from an evaluation form.")
- Reilly, P. (2017). Creative Approaches to Teaching Graduate Research Methods Workshops. Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education (NORIL), 9(1).
Photo by Sheila Webber: street art in Broomhill, Sheffield, September 2017. I'm afraid I haven't traced the artist yet

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