
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Other people's reports on #wlic2017

I managed, after all, to do some blogging from the 2017 World Library and Information Conference held in August in Wroclaw, Poland (you can find all the posts relating to the conference at I still haven't reported on most of the posters, but I've noticed that these seem to be going into the IFLA Library, so I will post about some of them over the next month or so, as the pdfs of the actual posters become available. I will do a bit of a wrap up, now, by linking to some other blog posts etc. about the conference.
- Jane Cowell blogged about the key themes for her: here and here
- Jane Secker: two reflective posts about the Copyright and Information Literacy offsite event: here and here. Also the slides from the first session (the part I missed at the sebvent) are here:
- Several reports in American Libraries magazine:
- Short reports on the IFLA Public Libraries Section blog, here, here and here
- There are a few videos on the IFLA HQ Youtube Channel
- Storifies: and (an official IFLA Storify; they'd asked people to submit their social media "wow" moments, this is a selection) and (not actually a Storify, but Storify-like)

Finally, here's a professionally-done 4 minute video of the conference:

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