
Friday, October 27, 2017

MIL CLICKS Twitter discussion #GlobalMILWeek

As one component of Global MIL Week 2017, the MIL CLICKS Twitter Webinar is being held tomorrow 28 October 2017 on the topic Privacy online: How important is it? in the form of Twitter Q&A sessions. The webinar will virtually gather a group of experts in the field of media and information literacy and privacy, as well as youth leaders, to discuss the topic through tweets and to answer questions from interested people around the world.
There are three time slots for different time zones. Each slot has a duration of 1 hour. Each presenter (intervening via Twitter) can choose one or several slots to participate. The detailed time slots are below:
- Asia-Pacific: 15:00 – 16:00 (Beijing and Singapore Time)
- Africa and Europe: 14:00 – 15:00 (Cape Town, Cairo, Belgrade and Paris Time)
- North America and South America: 11:00 – 12:00 (Washington and Kingston Time)
During the allotted time, the presenters along with the UNESCO @MILCLICKS Twitter page will tweet around the topic using the hashtag #GlobalMILWeek.
Presenters will tweet to discuss the topic and share relevant resources.Anyone holding a Twitter account can tweet to ask questions in connection with the topic to any of the presenters in using the @ function (a list of presenters' Twitter handles will be made available on social media and on the webpage of the MIL CLICKS webinar)
Tagged presenters who receive a pertinent question shall respond and give an answer, comment or opinion in one or several tweets with the hashtag #GlobalMILWeek.
Presenters will tweet on their own Twitter page. The @MILCLICKS Twitter account will also post relevant content. See more about MIL CLICKS at:

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