
Tuesday, January 02, 2018

New year, new project: Managing information, managing language, managing lives @infolitgroup @infoschoolsheff

An exciting project, for which I am acting as expert advisor: Managing information, managing language, managing lives: An ESOL and information literacy research project. This research explores ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) learners’ abilities in managing their everyday information. The project is led by Jess Elmore and Caroline Norman and is funded by the CILIP Information Literacy Group. Jess is a doctoral researcher at the Information School, University of Sheffield (my department) and Caroline is a lead ESOL tutor working for Lifelong Learning, Skills and Communities at Sheffield City Council. The other expert advisor on the project is Sheila Brown, who recently retired as the Funding Strategy Manager for Community Learning, Sheffield City Council, Lifelong Learning and Skills. There is a website for the project at
The photo shows an example of my own information management: pile of things that need dealing with and reminders, in my kitchen

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