
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

InfoLit for U - MOOC from Hong Kong universities

A free open-access MOOC on information literacy (IL), InfoLit for U, is offered by the libraries of eight universities in Hong Kong usingthe edX platform. It is "24-7 self-paced, non-credit bearing suitable for undergraduate students in all years of study." It is designed "to help you to become an analytical, wise, and creative information user for effective learning at the university and tackle professional challenges after graduation." As well as general segments looking at identifying the information need, finding, evaluating and sysnthesising, there are discipline-specific sections focussing on: Arts and Humanities; Business and Economics; Education; Engineering; Health Sciences; Law; Science;Social Science. Information and enrollment at I haven't gone very far with the MOOC, but I did register and enroll, and it was straightforward. There is a bit more information about the underlying project at

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