
Saturday, March 17, 2018

Librarian profiles from #WLIC2017

An eBook with combined slides and records of discussion from the WLIC (World Library and Information Conference) 2017 President-Elect Session has been produced. It includes the presentation on Information Literacy from Robin Kear (and other keynote presentations, such as "Advocacy" by Elvira Lapuz) and (what I found most interesting) 26 "librarian profiles" each created by a table of participants at the session. For example there is a profile for "Alex" "Born in Sudan; Lives in Sweden; 34 years old; Speaks Swedish, Sudanese, English; No children; 2 cats; Public Library". As with the other profiles, the profile maps out the librarian in response to "hear" (what the librarian hears) "Think and feel" "See" "Say and do". The ebook has been made copyright free, so I reproduce here the profile which is called "Sheila" (nothing to do with me, obviously, but I couldn't resist the coincidence). The PDF is at and the iBook is at

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