
Friday, April 06, 2018

Official launch of the new Information Literacy definition #ILdefinition #lilac18

Debbi Boden-Angell (Founder of the Information Literacy Group), Jane Secker (current ILG chair) and Jo Cornish (CILIP) launched the CILIP Information Literacy Group's new definition of Information Literacy. Debbi recalled the development of the Group, and the way the conference, the website, the discussion list, the group itself and now the definition has gone from strength to strength. The first definition was produced by a group, including me, in 2005. Jane Secker introduced the new definition, talking about how the aim was to make it more ambitious and better reflecting the role of information literacy in society. They put together a cross-sectoral group and have produced a high level statement (below) and a longer explanation, and they have also produced a booklet highlighting the role of IL in different spheres of life and the value of information professionals.
Jo Cornish, representing the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, emphasised that IL was central to CILIP's vision of the future, and it would be part of their central campaigning work.
The new definition is "Information Literacy is the ability to think critically and make balanced judgements about any information we find and use. It empowers us as citizens to reach and express informed views and to engage fully with society".
The brochure can be downloaded here:

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