
Monday, April 16, 2018

Webinar: Engaging Students Through Images: Visual Literacy as Active Learning in Library Instruction @raypun101

There is a free one-hour webinar on 2 May 2018 at 11am US pacific time (which is, e.g., 7pm UK time) Engaging Students Through Images: Visual Literacy as Active Learning in Library Instruction. "In this webinar, the presenter will share ways to integrate images to enhance student engagement and learning. From using politically charged images to fake images, these active learning techniques can engage with students and support their critical thinking skills and research processes through visual literacy. The presenter will also describe how to gamify library instruction through the act of drawing and concept-mapping. Attendees will learn how to include such activities to expand their students’ user experiences and learning, and will be inspired to apply these techniques into their next library workshop in all subject matters, particularly for one-shot library research instruction." The presenter is Raymond Pun, first year student success librarian at Fresno State "where he coordinates and organizes the first year information literacy program and student engagement programs on campus". The photo shows a picture I took of him presenting at the IFLA conference last year, where he gave a couple of interesting talks (see e.g. here, scroll down to see my blog about his talk). To register for the webinar, go to

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