
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Seminar: Research Impact Value and LIS (RIVAL) #lis_rival

There is a free event on 11 July 2018 in Edinburgh, Scotland: Research Impact Value and LIS (RIVAL). "This event will bring together members of three main groups – creators, users, and end-user beneficiaries of LIS research output – to explore concepts and examples of the impact and value of LIS research to services delivery in practice. The format of the day will encourage the strengthening of links between these interacting communities, narrow gaps between LIS research and practice, and lay the ground for future research-related support and collaborations across the sector.
"All are welcome to join the conversation: users of library and information services; library and information professionals; academic researchers; practitioner-researchers; and others with a stake in the future of LIS research, such as officials of the LIS professional and funding bodies. We are particularly keen to attract to the event those who work at the frontline of library and information services delivery, whether or not they are research-active or currently use the research outputs of others in their work."
Full details of the day's timetable and registration for the event at:
Photo by Sheila Webber: wisteria, May 2018

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