
Friday, June 28, 2019

Webinars: The grounded instruction librarian

There is a webinar series starting on 11 July 2019 at 2pm to 3pm US EST which is 7 to 8pm UK time: Grounded Instruction Librarian: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Webcast Series. "Corresponding to the ACRL publication, The Grounded Instruction Librarian: Participating in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (July 2019), this series of webinars offers instruction librarians an introduction to key theories, research, and practices that underpin the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), as well as case studies of how these theories are being used in library instruction."
The first webinar on July 11th is called The Grounded Instruction Librarian: An Introduction to SoTL and Signature Pedagogies "In this first session, attendees will be introduced to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and the concept of signature pedagogies. Discussion will focus on the implications of signature pedagogies for information literacy instruction."
For information on the whole series go to

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