
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Monitoring progress towards access to information #GlobalMILweek #SDGs

UNESCO published a report monitoring progress towards the sustainable development goal (SDG) concerning access to information (more specifically, legal rights to access information, and freedom of information). "An important conclusion is that both oversight/appeals bodies and individual public authorities can do far better in terms of how they track requests for information and theappeals that flow from these":
UNESCO. (2019). Powering sustainable development with access to information: highlights from the 2019 UNESCO monitoring and reporting of SDG indicator 16.10.2.
"As the custodian agency for SDG Indicator 16.10.2 (access to information), UNESCO has developed a methodology to help measure and report on what has been done to implement right to information (RTI) rules. This consists of two surveys which public authorities or researchers can fill out. The first one (SURVEY 1), which concerns central oversight or support bodies for the right to information, focuses on what has been done at the central level. This includes issues such as what bodies have been established, how many appeals have been lodged and what has happened with them, public awareness-raising efforts, and records management standards. The second one (SURVEY 2), to be completed by selected public authorities, looks into what these entities have done to implement the law, including appointing information officers, helping requesters make requests, receiving and processing requests, and disseminating information proactively."

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