
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Webinar: Nursing Information Literacy Framework

Since January 2018, the ACRL Health Sciences Interest Group (HSIG) has been working to revise the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Nursing (2013), taking into account the ACRL Information Literacy Framework and the work of the American Association of Colleges of Nurses. They have undertaken a literature review, research and consultation and there is a webinar on the Nursing Information Literacy Framework companion document on March 12, 2020. It is at 11:00am US Central Time (which is, e.g., 4pm UK time - it's that week when some parts of the world have changed the clocks and others haven't, so I'd advise checking here ). The webinar appears to be free. It says "Join us to gain an understanding of the Nursing Information Literacy Framework companion document. And make the comparison and contrast between the Nursing Information Literacy Framework companion document and Framework for Information Literacy."
Go here for information about the development of the document
Go here to register for the seminar
The ACRL group aim to have recommendations for a framework for information literacy in higher education for nursing by Autumn 2020.
Photo by Sheila Webber: reflections, Charing Cross, February 2020

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