
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Webinar TODAY - Moving Library Instruction Online

ACRL is presenting a webinar on Moving Library Instruction Online, at 3pm USA Central time today (17th March). I think it is free and open. The time difference USA/rest of the world is a bit different at the moment, since the US has gone to summertime and many countries haven't yet, so 3pm Central is, for example 8pm in the UK. Check the time where you are, here .
Description: "Is your campus closing due to COVID-19? Join Melissa Wong for a crash course in moving your library instruction online. Melissa will address options for both synchronous and asynchronous instruction, discuss how to engage students in active learning while online, and provide a short list of best practices."
To register go to
Photo by Sheila Webber: spring springs regardless, Sheffield, March 2020.

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