
Wednesday, April 01, 2020

More online teaching picks!

The Online Learning Consortium has Resources for K-12 Educators Teaching Remotely. These include their own online courses (which are usually priced - but they have been in this field a long time) and also links to other resources:
An upcoming free seminar from them is on Friday April 3rd, 1:00pm - 02:00pm (US Eastern time, so e.g. it starts at 6pm UK time): Addressing the Social-Emotional Needs of Remote Learners "With the rapid switch to providing education in a fully remote format, teachers need to be proactive in making sure that students are getting the social-emotional support they need. This can be challenging. In this webinar, our panel of experts will provide best practices on how you can best meet the needs of your students." go to
JISC, which supports use of technology in UK tertiary education, is running a blog with material aimed to support staff in the current crisis. Recent posts include Assistive Technology For All and Problems with home Wi-Fi? Go to
Photo by Sheila Webber: white cherry blossom, March 2020

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