
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Articles froom JDoc: resettlement IL framework; information encountering; information in schools

I was browsing back through issues of the Journal of Documentation and noticed some relevant articles I had missed previously:
Sayyad Abdi, E., Partridge, H., Bruce, C. & Watson, J. (2019). Skilled immigrants: a resettlement information literacy framework. Journal of Documentation, 75(4), 892-908. "The study uncovered six different themes of experiencing using information to learn among skilled immigrants. The themes, presented as a framework, explain skilled immigrants learn about their new life through: attending to shared stories by others; getting engaged; researching; comparing and contrasting past and present; being reflective; and being directly educated."

Lundh, A.H., Dolatkhah, M. & Limberg, L. (2018). From informational reading to information literacy: Change and continuity in document work in Swedish schools. Journal of Documentation, 74(5), 1042-1052.

Erdelez, S. & Makri, S. (2020). Information encountering re-encountered: A conceptual re-examination of serendipity in the context of information acquisition. Journal of Documentation, 76(3), 731-751.

Jiang, T., Fu, S.& Song, E. (2020). Toward a description framework of information encountering experiences: Guidance for diarists in story telling. Journal of Documentation, 76(4), 807-827.
Photo by Sheila Webber: more rosehips, July 2020

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