
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Webinar: The influence of global streaming services

Tomorrow, Wednesday 16 September at 3pm UK time, 4pm Paris time, 10am US Eastern time, there is a free webinar in the UNESCO MILID (Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue) series: The influence of global streaming services. "Major streaming services such as Netflix offer thousands of hours of content to audiences across the globe. What influence does this content have on society? How have streaming services changed what it means to 'watch' TV? Does global content provide a narrow representation of people and places around the world? Streaming services influence what type of information people learn and from whom they learn it. Although there are many streaming services, the influence of the largest companies is tremendous. Should we be concerned? How can we bring our MIL skills to our media consumption?" Panellists include:
Guillermo Orozco, Professor of Communication-Education at University of Guadalajara.
Tomas Duran, National Research Director at CUN University, Colombia
Beth Hewitt, Creative Director, School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology, University of Salford, UK
Nikos Panagiotou, associate professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Aristotle University, Greece
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