
Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Flexible Online Instruction Using Modular Learning Design Workshop

A priced (US $65) online 90 minute workshop from the American Library Association, on 21 October 2020 2.30-4pm US Eastern time (which is e.g. 7.30-9pm UK time) is Flexible Online Instruction Using Modular Learning Design Workshop. It is run by Amanda Nichols Hess. "With our myriad responsibilities and busy schedules, librarians frequently produce online learning materials ad hoc or in a race against time, missing valuable opportunities for synergy and consistency. In this workshop, library instruction expert Amanda Nichols Hess introduces the concept of modular learning, an approach to developing intentional, strategic online learning objects. A modular learning approach is one where we intentionally build documentation and structure into our work so that content is ready to be updated or remixed to meet different learning needs in the near, mid-, or long-term. Nichols Hess discusses topics that participants can immediately apply, such as learning design, evaluation and assessment, accessibility, and usability. She will also cover how you can use existing content to create flexible online learning resources." 

More info and registration at

Photo by Sheila Webber: cat on my walk, September 2020

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