
Thursday, November 05, 2020

The role of public pedagogy, open education and information literacy in a rapidly changing world

Sheila MacNeill presented an interesting keynote at the CILIP Scotland conference, on The role of public pedagogy, open education and information literacy in a rapidly changing world. The slides are embedded below and she blogs about it here: noting that "In my keynote I wanted to focus on the role of information and public pedagogy and the direct relationship they have on each other. In our increasingly confused world ensuring that everyone has the capacity and opportunities (both in digital and physical spaces) to find, share and critique information is increasingly important, if not urgent"

She also refers to a recent article: MacNeill, S., Johnston, B. and Smyth, K. (2020). Critical Engagement for Active Participation: The Digital University in an Age of PopulismNew Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 115-127.
(there is also an open access version here). "In this article, the authors describe a new vision of open education, a “public pedagogy,” that can respond to both the neoliberal university and contemporary rightwing media."


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