
Monday, November 09, 2020

Updated call: WILU 2021:  Visions of the  Possible

The 2021 WILU (Canadian information literacy) conference will take place online, June 17-25 2021. There is an updated call for presentations from Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) colleagues with review beginning on 18 December 2020. They say "Academic institutions, including libraries, continue to fall short with representing our diverse communities. The academic environment continues to favour white people, as they hold the majority of academic roles, positions of power, and decision-making capabilities. The WILU 2021 Steering Committee has reflected on and discussed the outcomes of these imbalances. One change going forward is a new call for presentations from our BIPOC colleagues. The WILU Steering Committee believes that it is crucial to augment, amplify, and honour these voices. 

Therefore, we are adding space to our program, to ensure that our conference is more inclusive. The WILU 2021 Programming Committee is now inviting proposal submissions from BIPOC library professionals. Speakers may report on original research, completed projects, instructional programs, innovative projects, or other information literacy initiatives. Discussions of pedagogy, learning theory, and educational philosophy are also acceptable. Participants may represent diverse experiences or points of view." 

Presentations and panels are sought. Submit using this online form.

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