
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Collaboration: curriculum design; faculty-librarian

Two items relating to librarian collaboration in teaching:
(1) Materials by Cara B. Stone, Erin Thomas and Kris Stacy-Bates for the Illinois Information Literacy Summit 2021: Playing the Long Game: Collaborating in IL Curriculum Design. It includes links to their slides and to resources and tools they recommend, plus bulet points from the session discussion. - also their Information Literacy open textbook is here
(2) A newly published article, in the latest IFLA journal (open access):
Nguyen, T.L. & Tuamsuk, K. (2021). Faculty–librarian administrative structure and collaborative activities supporting teaching and research at Vietnamese universities: A qualitative study. IFLA journal, 47(2), 236-249. "This article reports on the administrative structure and collaborative activities of faculty and librarians within Vietnamese universities to evaluate their impact on teaching and research, as well as their collaborative benefits, advantages and disadvantages. The authors ... conducted 29 in-depth interviews with key participants at Vietnamese universities. The findings indicated that such collaboration was often based on the collaborators’ personal circumstances and that librarian liaison partnerships primarily related to the faculty’s profession, personality and attitudes at different units. Further, universities focused on collaborative activities to support teaching and research – designing syllabi, research support activities and collection development."
Link to whole issue:  This issue also includes: Channels used to deliver agricultural information and knowledge to smallholder farmers by Kelefa Mwantimwa & Faraja Ndumbaro.

Photo by Sheila Webber: pink roses, July 2021

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