
Thursday, September 16, 2021

Webinars: Dialoguer, expliquer, débattre des médias et de l’information à la bibliothèque

Webinar brochure cover

We are half way through a series of free French-language webinars entitled Dialoguer, expliquer, débattre des médias et de l’information à la bibliothèque (Discuss, explain, debate media and information in the library). The next in the series is tomorrow 17 September 10.30-12 noon Paris time (which is, e.g., 9.30 UK time) La place de la presse et des journalistes dans l’éducation aux médias (the place of news organisations and journalists in media education) featuring Etienne Millien, journalist and director of de l’APEM (Alliance Pour l’Education aux Medias). On 22 October the topic is Fausses informations et questions de santé (misinformaion and health) 10.30-12 noon Paris time. The final webinar is on 19 November 10.30-12 noon Paris time Les fausses informations: une question politique (misinformation as a political question) featuring Jacques Oberti (président de la communauté d’agglomération du Sicoval, en Haute-Garonne). To sign up go to this page - it gives the start date of the series (14 April) which is obviously past, but this signs you up for the whole series, and if you click to register you will see that it lists the remaining webinars. Just to repeat, these webinars are in the French language. The brochure is here together with links related to the previous webinars in teh series. The series is connected to the Savoir-devenir media literacy project

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