
Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Edelman Trust Barometer 2022

Earlier this year Edelman published the Edelman Trust Barometer 2022. This is a substantial survey carried out every year (this time in November 2021), using online interviews. The statistics they quote are "28 Countries; 36,000+ Respondents; 1,150+ Respondents/Country" and the focus is the extent to which people trust various bodies, agencies and professions: notably Government, the media and business. For example "trust in government has fallen in 17 of the 27 countries we tracked" but this varies: China's Government is most trusted by its citizens, with trust levels increasing, whilst (for example) "the developed democratic governments of Germany, South Korea and Italy have moved into the distrust category since last year".
There is growth in concerns about fake news in a majority of countries (although of course that begs the question of what respondents counted as "fake news"). You can download the report, which is essentially a 72 page powerpoint presentation (with details about the survey questions and data collection at the end).
A few details I will pick out are: the diagram on p12 with a diagram illustrating "Government and media feed cycle of division and disinformation for votes and clicks; NGOs and business pressured to take on societal problems beyond their abilities"; a chart on p16 that shows much lower trust ratings given by poorer respondents compared with richer respondents; a chart on p.35 showing that "When low income respondents are well informed, they are more trusting than high income respondents who are not" (we1l informed meant "Follow news regularly (Consult 3+ news sources daily; Read business and/or public policy news) and Seek quality information (Consult news sources with which they disagree; Check information against multiple sources)"
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Photo by Sheila Webber: view from the window, Chapelgarth, Match 2022

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