
Monday, June 13, 2022

Webinars: Creating Informed Learners in the Classroom

There is a 3 day online symposium organised Purdue University, USA, 12-14 July 2022, Creating Informed Learners in the Classroom (CILC) Symposium.
The symposium is in the afternoon US Eastern time (so they will be e.g. in the evening UK time). For example the schedule on the first day is: Opening Conference Reception (2:45pm-3:00pm EST); Welcome Address (3:00pm-3:20pm EST); Showcase 1 (3:20pm-4:20pm EST) Featuring instructor Danni Gilbert and librarian Anita Breckbill (University of Nebraska-Lincoln); and librarian Annette Bochenek (Purdue University) will describe her project (conducted with instructor Meara Habashi); Keynote Speaker: Christine Bruce (4:30pm-5:45pm EST) Information Literacy Ethics: Towards a Framework to Guide Professional Practices.
"The symposium highlights recent work on the integration of information literacy into courses using the informed learning model. The founder of informed learning, Christine Bruce, will give a keynote address. Information literacy researchers, Drew Whitworth and Lorna Dawes, will give invited talks describing how they have used informed learning in their research and teaching. This event will also showcase the collaborative work of librarians and instructors who codesigned student projects that embed information literacy into disciplinary courses at three research universities in the United States (University of Arizona, University of Nebraska, and Purdue University)."
More details at


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