
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

New articles: Intellectual Freedom

Just published, a special issue of the open access IFLA Journal (vol. 48 no. 3) which focuses on Intellectual Freedom. It includes:
- A declaration for all seasons: The IFLA Statement on Libraries and Intellectual Freedom by Alex Byrne
- Intellectual freedom and alternative priorities in library and information science research: A longitudinal study by Gabriel J Gardner
- Navigating complex authorities: Intellectual freedom, information literacy and truth in pandemic STEM information by Kate Mercer, Kari D Weaver and Khrystine Waked ("This article presents an illustrative case study, using the example of scientific information around the safety and efficacy of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine to demonstrate how modern scientific information sharing is shaped by the ways in which misinformation and fake news spread.")
- Transcribing public libraries as revitalized ethical spaces by Alison Frayne
- Automating intellectual freedom: Artificial intelligence, bias, and the information landscape by Catherine Smith
- Analysis of professional secrecy in Ibero-America: Ethical and legal perspectives by Alonso Estrada-Cuzcano and Karen Lizeth Alfaro-Mendives
- Intellectual freedom: Waving and wavering across three national contexts by Shannon M Oltmann, Toni Samek and Louise Cooke
- Long tail metaphysics: The epistemic crisis and intellectual freedom by Sarah Hartman-Caverly
Download the whole issue at: or


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