
Tuesday, February 07, 2023

International standards for information literacy

An article in the latest issue of Liber Quarterly is:
Sanches, T., Antunes, M. L., & Lopes, C. (2022). International standards for information literacy: the inspiration for national practices. LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries, 32(1), 1–22.
It includes a perspective on IL development, and has a table drawing out specific features of various information literacy frameworks (from the ACRL Standards (2000) to the ACRL Frameowork (2016). Their discussion leads on to presentation of the Portuguese Recommendations for Academic Libraries (2020–2022) which have 4 dimensions
- "Teaching and learning support, specifically in the promotion of IL skills and in fostering digital fluency and user empowerment.
- "Research and scientific publication support, especially in the context of Open Science.
-"Professional and organisational development places the librarian at the centre of the process and the institutions as synergy aggregators for continuous improvement actions.
- "Design and provision of services and partnerships that facilitate and enhance the creation of networks for cultural expression, including the preservation and dissemination of documentary heritage"
Photo by Sheila Webber: Aberystwyth beach, again, January 2023

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