
Monday, August 07, 2023

Making lifelong learning a reality: a handbook

Photo by Sheila Webber of a tree that thinks it is a sculpture in Gothenburg June 2023

I don't think I covered this 2022 UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning publication Making lifelong learning a reality: a handbook (this is the English version, it also links to the French and Spanish versions).
It starts by defining LLL and explaining why it is important (including its relevance to Sustainable Development Goals) and then has chapters on creating LLL policy, implementing a LLL strategy and finally an example of LLL implemented at city level.
Since one of the UNESCO declarations has declared that information literacy is part of "the basic human right of lifelong learning" I think this handbook is relevant to IL. However, frustratingly, the term information literacy" is (from a quick search) only used once, in passing.
Nevertheless, examples are given where IL is relevant e.g. the example of knowledge sharing - "Lifelong learning villages in Mali" (p96). Certainly the statement at the start of the book seems to me intertwined with IL: "Lifelong learning is rooted in the integration of learning and living, covering learning activities for people of all ages, in all life-wide contexts and through a variety of modalities that, together, meet a range of learning needs and demands." (p17).
Photo by Sheila Webber: tree that thinks it's a sculpture, Gothenburg, June 2023

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