
Monday, May 20, 2024

Webinar: Publishing on Information Literacy: A Conversation with LIS Journal Editors

Photo by Sheila Webber of a rock with chain from a ship and a view across the water to downtown Vancouver in May 2024
Publishing on Information Literacy: A Conversation with LIS Journal Editors is a free webinar on 4 June 2024 12:00-13:15 US Eastern time (which is, e.g., 17.00-18.15 UK time), hosted by the ACRL Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee. "In this 75-minute synchronous online panel with editors of information literacy-related publications, the presenters aim to make visible editors' processes and expectations when reviewing submitted manuscripts.... The panelists will discuss possible considerations when deciding where to submit a manuscript, such as journal scope, open access, and various approaches to manuscript review."
The panellists are: Amanda Nichols Hess (College & Research Libraries News); Kristen Totleben (College & Research Libraries); Allison Hosier (Communications in Information Literacy); Jacqulyn Williams (Communications in Information Literacy); Alison Hicks (Journal of Information Literacy); Michelle Kraft (Journal of the Medical Library Association); Ellysa Stern Cahoy (portal: Libraries and the Academy)
Register at
Photo by Sheila Webber: Vancouver, May 2024

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