
Monday, June 17, 2024

New articles on data literacy

Photo by Sheila Webber of a Fallen tree trunk with many rings showing the tree was old in Stanley Park in Vancouver, Canada in May 2024

The journal Information and Learning Sciences (hybrid as regards open access) has two special issues focusing on Perspectives on Data Literacies Volume 125 Issue 3/4 (2024) includes
- Promoting students’ informal inferential reasoning through arts-integrated data literacy education by Camillia Matuk et al.
- Exploring alternative discourses about datafication in a speculative youth participatory action research curriculum by Ezequiel Aleman
- Using network visualizations to engage elementary students in locally relevant data literacy by Mengxi Zhou et al
- Community college students’ self-assessment of data literacy: exploring differences amongst demographic, academic, and career characteristics by Sarah Amber Evans et al.
- Teen-adult interactions during the co-design of data literacy activities for the public library: insights from a natural language processing analysis of linguistic patterns by Leanne Bowler et al.
- Critical datafication literacy: a framework for educating about datafication by Ina Sander
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Volume 125 Issue 5/6 (2024) includes
- A critical (theory) data literacy: tales from the field by Annette Markham and Riccardo Pronzato
- Teaching data storytelling as data literacy by Kate McDowell and Matthew J. Turk
- Orienting privacy literacy toward social change by Priya C. Kumar
- In my opinion, the TOS… Situating personal data literacy interventions by Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli et al
- Data literacy education through university-industry collaboration by Eylem Taş
- Data literacy in the new EU DigComp 2.2 framework how DigComp defines competences on artificial intelligence, internet of things and data by Leo Van Audenhove et al.
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Photo by Sheila Webber of a felled tree trunk in Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada, May 2024: big number of rings to count!

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