
Monday, June 10, 2024

Webinar: Teaching Information Literacy: Considering Current and Future Approaches and Models

Photo by Sheila Webber of Part of the Komagata Maru memorial in Vancouver Canada in May 2024 showing part of the the memorial wall with names and flowering pink rhododendrons
A webinar on 9 July 2024 at 13.00 US Eastern time (which is 18.00 UK time): Teaching Information Literacy: Considering Current and Future Approaches and Models
"Librarians have explored multiple approaches for teaching information literacy, including one-shots, embedded librarian programs, credit-bearing courses, and teach the teachers efforts. What is working with our current approaches? What needs to change? Should librarians be the ones teaching information literacy? Are credit-bearing courses the future of IL instruction? Or a faculty development approach? This discussion will explore the role that librarians play in teaching information literacy and consider the ways that this role may evolve as we move forward."
The panellists are: Heidi Julien (Professor in the Department of Information Science at the University at Buffalo (SUNY), USA); Jane Hammons (Associate Professor and Teaching & Learning Engagement Librarian at The Ohio State University Libraries, USA); Matthew Weirick Johnson (Director of Research & Instruction at the University of South Florida Libraries on the Tampa campus, USA); Bill Badke (Associate Librarian at Trinity Western University in British Columbia, Canada).
Register at
Photo by Sheila: Webber Part of the Komagata Maru memorial, Vancouver, Canada, May 2024

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