
Wednesday, July 03, 2024

New articles: Authority; Emotion & experiences in COVID; literacy in public libraries; Information needs of entrepreneurs

Photo by Sheila Webber of deckchairs on teh beach on a sunny day in Bournemouth, June 2024

The latest issue of Reference Services Review (priced journal) is vol. 52 issue 2, 2024. The theme is Reference and instructional services for libraries in the digital age (haven't we been in the digital age for a few decades now?) anyway, articles include:
- Rose-Wiles, L.M. (2024). The framing of authority in the ACRL framework on information literacy: multidisciplinary perspectives on truth, authority, expertise and belief. Reference Services Review, 52(2), 202-217.
- Bury, S. (2024). Affective dimensions of academic librarians’ experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic: experiences and lessons learned for information literacy. Reference Services Review, 52(2), 278-295.
- Salubi, O. and Majavu, U. (2024). Toward the development of a framework for literacy support and promotion by public libraries in financially and infrastructurally low-resourced territories. Reference Services Review, 52(2), 218-230.
- Toane, C. and Shujah, S. (2024). Campus entrepreneurs’ research habits and needs: a five-year study. Reference Services Review, 52(2), 257-277.
The whole issue is here:
Photo by Sheila Webber: deckchairs in Bournemouth, June 2024

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