
Friday, July 26, 2024

Posters: Tiktok; AI; Rare books; Autistic student voices; Media literacy

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There are online posters (a poster or slides, plus videos in some cases) as part of the LILi Conference this week. Each poster has its own Padlet for you to ask questions and receive answers from the presenters. The posters are:
- Dr. ChatGPT or: How One Instruction Librarian Learned to Teach with AI - Elise Ferer
- Centering Autistic Student Voices: How Participatory Action Research and Summer Bridge Programs Inform Neuro-inclusive and Neuro-affirming Learning Environments and Support Student Success - Mercedes Rutherford-Patten & Luna Nombrano Larsen
- Combining Written, Visual, and Interactive Materials to Create a System of Intuitive, Self-guided Information Literacy Skill Development - Sadie Davenport
- Expertise on Demand: Developing Need-Based AI Literacy - Brooke Gross
- Informed by Materiality: Nurturing Information Literacy Skills in Rare Book Instruction - Autumn Johnson
- Media in the Digital Age: Creating and Implementing a High School Media Literacy Course - Julia Lennox
- Navigating the AI Landscape: Insights from Information Literacy Professionals - Natalie Marquez & Emmanuel Te
- TikTok as an Information Source - Reagan Harper
Posters can be found at:

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