
Friday, November 11, 2005


More on blogging ... the Blog Business Summit (about business blogging) took place about 10 days ago. It is a commercial operation but it has a blog (in fact the whole site looks like a blog) which includes some material and also links to people blogging about the blogging conference.

Also I picked up a useful reference from the Sept/Oct issue of eLucidate, namely
Gardner, S. (2005) "Time to check: are you using the right blogging tool?" Online journalism review, 14 July.
It focuses more on professional (rather than free) services, but includes Blogger, and makes some good comparative points.

(Photo by S. Webber: Snow on Remembrance Day wreaths, Weston Park, Nov. 2004. Today is Remembrance Day - and Google Uk has a Remembrance poppy logo!)