
Sunday, November 13, 2005

Competition for free student place at LILAC conference

The Information Literacy Group of CILIP is sponsoring one free place at the Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference - LILAC 2006 for a student delegate. If you are interested in applying for this free place, please submit a short written piece (maximum 400 words) explaining why you would like to attend this conference and how the conference might benefit you in your future career. Applications will be assessed by the conference committee.

In return for this free place the successful applicant will be required to write a brief report on the impact their attendance has had on their knowledge and understanding of Information Literacy. Please note that the sponsorship is open to UK applicants only. The sponsorship covers conference attendance & student accommodation. It does not include travel expenses. Applications for sponsorship should be made by Friday 23rd December 2005. All applicants will receive notification of the result by January 23rd 2006. Please send your submission via e-mail only, along with your own full contact details including job title to Jane Secker at

Details of the conference are at: bysubject/informationliteracy/lilac/lilac2006

(Phot by S. Webber: Autumn leaves, Sheffield, Nov. 2005)