
Friday, February 14, 2014

Blog-post Journal Club: 19 February: the research agenda for Information Literacy #ILread

The next blog-post discussion on the Infolit Journal Club blog will take place on Wednesday 19th February at 8pm UK time (See for times elsewhere). The focus is on the agenda(s) for information literacy research. For example:

What do you think of the research agendas that other people have drawn up?
What do you think are the top priorities for research in Information Literacy?

The idea is that people aim to read something before the discussion: there are three *short* papers linked on the website at giving three different perspectives on priorities, approaches, topics etc.

Then just go along at 8pm on the 19th, and join in the discussion, through posting comments to that blog post. The journal club team hope you can join us to discuss this fascinating topic. If you have any questions, email me at
Picture by Sheila Webber, motivator format from

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