
Thursday, February 13, 2014

LILAC programme published #lilac14

The UK's information literacy conference, LILAC, has published its programme. The conference is being held 23-25 April at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. I'm not going this year, but several of my colleagues in the Sheffield University iSchool and Library are presenting papers or posters, and iSchool students as well. Namely the following:
Innovation, creativity and change: utilising appreciative inquiry and reflective practice to achieve asset based information literacy: Vicky Grant, Barbara Sen and Denise Harrison
Supporting young people’s heath information needs: Barbara Sen and Hannah Spring
Supporting information literacy educators: reflective pedagogic planning improving information literacy practice: Pam McKinney and Barbara Sen
Myths or facts: what do serodiscordant couples in Malawi know about HIV ad AIDS? Kondwani Wella
Embedding multiple literacies in a MOOC for professionals: Penny Andrews
History of Medicine 2.0: using creative media to enhance information literacy teaching for 1st year medical students: Catherine Bazela, Vicky Grant, Anthea Tucker,
Digital literacy in practice: bringing the library to the classroom: Jen Smith
The full programme is at:

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