
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

cfp Effective Library Instruction: Inspiring Student Motivation

There is a call for chapter proposals for a book to be published by ACRL Press, called: Effective Library Instruction: Inspiring Student Motivation. Proposal submission deadline is October 1, 2016.
"The book’s primary focus is student motivation, with an emphasis on motivational techniques that can be incorporated into instruction settings where time is of the essence: one-shots, quick introductions, video tutorials, etc. We are open to studies that branch away from higher education as long as they focus on adult learners. New and completed research and case studies are welcome, provided any new studies can be completed within the timeline explained below. Chapters based on completed research must not be previously published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere."
They are looking for 2 types of chapter; firstly, research or examples of motivation-related topics e.g. "Establishing a connection between student needs and interests and the value of information literacy topics/frames" and secondly "Instruction exercises that use/encourage" motivation. Proposals should be up to 500 words, plus "a short author’s statement, and a writing sample and final manuscripts will be between 1500 and 5000 words (due July 2017).
There is more information about the required themes at
More information is also available from the editors: Sarah Steiner, Head of Research & Instruction Services, Western Carolina University, and Miriam Rigby, Social Sciences Librarian, University of Oregon,
Photo by Sheila Webber: Sea and foam, near Gothenburg, August 2016

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