
Thursday, October 22, 2020

#lispedagogy chats - schedule; and Post-Election Pedagogy

There is a schedule for the regular online discussions about teaching library and information subjects, lispedagogy, organised by Laura Saunders & Melissa Wong. The next is today (23 October) at 2pm US Eastern time (which is, e.g., 7pm UK time) on Post-Election Pedagogy: Preparing for Wednesday, November 4 (that's the presidential election in the USA) "A discussion about teaching in the days immediately following a contentious election." Register here.

Then (always at 2pm US Eastern time (which is, e.g., 7pm UK time): 

November 6: Grading (or "marking" as we call it in the UK) Moderator: Africa Hands (SJSU) 

November 20: What’s Going Well? "It’s been a crazy fall (autumn)! Let’s take a moment to be thankful for what has gone well in our classrooms and discuss how to replicate those successes in spring. Moderators: Laura Saunders & Melissa Wong 

December 4: Supporting First-Year Students. Moderator: Jennifer Joe (University of Toledo) 

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Photo by Sheila Webber: Sheffield Botanics, October 2020

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