
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Maximising Access Now: A Library Pledge to promote digital inclusion and access to information

IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) has launched a pledge (which they urge people to sign up to): Maximising Access Now: A Library Pledge to promote digital inclusion and access to information during COVID-19 and Beyond. It reads 

"To the best of our abilities, and with full respect for the law and public health: 
"We pledge to promote the best possible internet access for communities, reliably and at no or low cost, so that no-one should lack connectivity for financial reasons 
"We pledge to promote the widest possible access to relevant digital content and services, supporting education, research, and economic, social and cultural participation 
"We pledge to promote the strongest possible support for the development of digital skills, giving users the ability to be successful and confident internet users 
"We pledge to promote equitable broadband policies at all levels"

More information at and the sign-up is here 

IFLA also announced that they had signed up to the Libraries in Response: Every Community Connected declaration. Currently the other signatores are: Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI)/ Web Foundation; Internet Society; People Centered Internet; Bibliothéques Sans Frontières; EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries); Gigabit Libraries Network (GLN).

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