
Friday, March 15, 2024

Call for participants: #REDMIL24

Photo by Sheila Webber of plum blossom February 2024

There is a call for participants (PhD students) for the 2024 (9-12 September 2024) Summer School - Research on Digital, Media and Information Literacy (ReDMIL 2024) which will be held in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) with the theme of From mass media to generative AI: Charting the (dis)continuities in literacies. There is a Euro120 delegate fee. The deadline is 15 May 2024.
The summer school "aims at contributing to the convergence between digital, media and information literacy research by bringing together researchers from all three communities, to foster the scientific debate and explore connections between them."
The format is that talks from invited experts alternate with sessions in which PhD students present and debate their research. I was an invited expert in a previous REDMIL and it was one of my best ever conference experiences as it gave a lot of opportunity to get to know people and debate in depth. The experts this year are: Gianna Cappello, University of Palermo (Italy); Normand Landry, Université TELUQ (Canada); Julian Sefton-Green, Deakin University (Australia); Leo Van Audenhove, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium); Emily Vraga, University of Minnesota (USA).
As regards the theme, they say "We wish to inject a historical dimension into our examination of research in media / information / digital literacy and devote some of our attention to the changes in media, media practices, audiences and user communities, but also in imaginaries and narratives that embody the hopes and fears we place in media and information technology.
"We want to ask what these changes force us to reconsider in research on media / information / digital literacy, how they are accompanied by changes in the way we theorize media, information, technology and literacies, the way we conceive our research methods, our epistemologies, and our axiological positions. In reflecting on these developments, we are more attentive to continuities than to chiasms and so-called paradigm shifts."
The website is at and the full call for applications (a lot more detail!) at

PS. In searching for REDMIL I discovered that some expert talks from REDMIL2018, including mine, are on youtube at
Photo by Sheila Webber of plum blossom, February 2024

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