
Friday, June 28, 2024

New articles: LGBTQ+ students; IL taxonomy; First years; Peer observation of teaching

Photo by Sheila Webber of a cluster of white roses in June 2024

Here is the 2nd installment of articles from the latest issue of the open-access Journal of Information Literacy (vol 18 number 1) which marks 50 years since Zurkowski coined the phrase "information literates" (yesterday I listed special-issue contents):
- The self-tracking information literacy practices of LGBTQ+ students: Empowerment through self-knowledge by Pamela McKinney, Corin Peacock, Andrew Cox
- Fostering self-reflection on library instruction: Testing a peer observation instrument focused on questioning strategies by Eric Silberberg
- Building a bridge between skills and thresholds Using Bloom’s to develop an information literacy taxonomy by Amanda Folk, Katie Blocksidge, Jane Hammons, Hanna Primeau
- Moving beyond anxiety: The emotional research experiences of first-year students by Katie Blocksidge, Hanna Primeau
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Photo by Sheila Webber: white roses, June 2024

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