Thursday, December 31, 2020

Seoul Declaration on Media and Information Literacy for Everyone and by Everyone: A Defence against Disinfodemics #MILCLICKS

My final post of 2020 looks to the future, in highlighting the Seoul Declaration on Media and Information Literacy for Everyone and by Everyone: A Defence against Disinfodemics which was an outcome of this year's Global Media and Information Literacy week. After the usual preambles, it states the following (below), and then lists actions: for government, for "civil society, media, youth, academic institutions and researchers", for the private sector "including Internet communications companies", and for UNESCO. There is much collaborative work laid out in these actions, which it would be good to address in a (post)pandemic 2021. 

"We understand that MIL on its own is not a cure for all problems, including the pandemic, but insist that MIL be further recognized and valued throughout educational, social and economic systems and that it be applied as part of a more proactive approach in order to build a sustainable and inclusive society; 

"We stress that enhancing media and information literacy for all, which addresses critical thinking, provides a sustainable approach to strengthen people’s critical thinking and their power of discernment about how they engage with information and communication technologies – especially in times of crisis.

 "We urge therefore that “Media and Information Literacy for Everyone and by Everyone” should be advanced in the age of digital connectivity. In this connection, we commit to: 

"1. Promoting MIL within wider efforts to tackle divides such as in access to information and quality education, which have been notably widened by the pandemic, to assure no one is left behind; 

"2. Attracting more participation in MIL and MIL policy from Internet communications companies, academia, NGOs, international and regional organizations, communications regulators, media, civil society, youth and communities; 

"3. Advocating for intensified MIL initiatives to tackle the disinfodemic, climate change, etc., while also urging respect for freedom of expression and access to information which are not only human rights but also part of the solution to disinformation; 

"4. Building MIL considerations into ethical frameworks within institutions and companies, so as to ensure transparent, inclusive and safe development of technologies such as AI; 

"5. Advocate for MIL initiatives to tackle technological determinism." 

Go to

Photo by Sheila Webber: pink rose after rain, September 2020 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

African Centre for Media and Information Literacy

I don't think I have featured the African Centre for Media and Information Literacy, a "non-government organisation that focuses on media, information, research, advocacy and training". Its most recent news focuses on media, disinformation and journalists, but it also has programmes focused on Media and Information Literacy, particularly concerning young people, with news and resources. Go to and

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Webinar: Nearpod+Zoom to Make Learning Fun!

The next LiLi Online Instruction Show & Tell is on 6 January 2021 at 10-11am US Pacific time (which is, e.g. 6-7pm UK time): Nearpod+Zoom to Make Learning Fun! Shaimaa Sakr (an Egyptian librarian working in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) "will introduce the basic and free subscription of Nearpod with useful features that can be a tool to interact with students." To register go to

Monday, December 28, 2020

IFLA webinar recordings

There are recordings from IFLA webinars in its Youtube channel (IFLA=International Federation for Library Associations & Institutions). These include: 

 - Moodle for Education and Training (which took place on 10 December 2020) which has an interesting range of presentations looking at use of Moodle from different perspectives and in different educational contexts. The slides are also avialable here

- IFLA Section on Education and Training (SET) 2 day Webinar series (19/20 November 2020). Day 1 included Youth access to social media in Libraryand Information Science in Kuwait and Taiwan (Hanadi Buarki, Hui-Yun Sung); AllWork and All Play. Sustainable Development Awareness Tools for Librarians (RaphaëlleBats, Camille Delaune, Mathilde Gaffet, LaurePapon-Vidal; From checklists to critical thinking: Updating information analysis in the age of fake news (Julie Biando Edwards) . The slides are here

- Talks on Fake News & Its Impact on Society (18 November 2020) 

The IFLA channel is at

Photo by Sheila Webber: sun on Christmas Day, December 2020

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Digital Native News Media: Trends and Challenges

Volume 8 issue 2 of the open access journal Media and Communication was devoted to the theme of Digital Native News Media: Trends and Challenges (by which is meant news media that are "born digital", not media aimed at digital natives, looking particularly at hispanic contexts). The articles include: 

-Information Quality in Latin American Digital Native Media: Analysis Based on Structured Dimensions and Indicators by Claudia Rodríguez-Hidalgo, Diana Rivera-Rogel and Luis M. Romero-Rodríguez 

- Cross-National Similarities and Differences between Legacy and Digital-Born News Media Audiences by Alfonso Vara-Miguel 

- Business Model Innovation in News Media: Fostering New Relationships to Stimulate Support from Readers by Giuliander Carpes da Silva and Gabriela Gruszynski Sanseverino 

- Why Do Digital Native News Media Fail? An Investigation of Failure in the Early Start-Up Phase by Christopher Buschow 

- Behind the Comments Section: The Ethics of Digital Native News Discussions by Orge Castellano Parra, Koldobika Meso Ayerdi and Simón Peña Fernández 

- Media Roles in the Online News Domain: Authorities and Emergent Audience Brokers by Sílvia Majó-Vázquez, Ana S. Cardenal, Oleguer Segarra and Pol Colomer de Simón 

- Between Self-Regulation and Participatory Monitoring: Comparing Digital News Media Accountability Practices in Spain by Pedro-Luis Pérez-Díaz, Rocío Zamora Medina and Enrique Arroyas Langa 

 Go to

Photo by Sheila Webber: crib (the basis of which is a set I was given by an aunt when I was about 7), December 2020

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas to all Information Literacy enthusiasts!

A very happy Christmas to all those interested in information literacy! I hope you have a joyful and restful/energetic (depending on which you prefer!) holiday season. As usual the photo is of the wreath I made this year with some of the lower branches of our Christmas tree.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

New articles: Embedding metaliteracy; Evaluating sources; Critical thinking; First year experience; Community colleges

The latest issue of Communications in Information Literacy (Volume 14, Issue 2) contains: 

- Assessing the Potential for Critical Thinking Instruction in Information Literacy Online Learning Objects Using Best Practices by Mandi Goodsett 

- Instructional Experience and Teaching Identities: How Academic Librarians’ Years of Experience in Instruction Impact their Perceptions of Themselves as Educators by Amanda Nichols Hess 

- Teaching and User Satisfaction in an Academic Chat Reference Consortium by Kathryn Barrett, Judith Logan, Sabina Pagotto, and Amy Greenberg 

- Critical Thinking in a Service-Learning Course: Impacts of Information Literacy Instruction by Heather R. Kennedy and Anne Marie H. Gruber 

- Not a Blank Slate: Information Literacy Misconceptions in First-Year Experience Courses by Michelle Keba and Elizabeth Fairall

 - The Journalistic Approach: Evaluating Web Sources in an Age of Mass Disinformation by Victoria Elmwood 

- Information Literacy Practices and Perceptions of Community College Librarians in Florida and New York by Heidi Julien, Don Latham, Melissa Gross, Lindsey Moses, and Felicia Warren 

- Professional Development for Research-Writing Instructors: A Collaborative Approach by Melissa Bowles-Terry and Kaitlin Clinnin 

- Embedding Metaliteracy in the Design of a Post-Truth MOOC: Building Communities of Trust by Thomas P. Mackey 

- Analyzing Information Sources Through the Lens of the ACRL Framework: A Case Study of Wikipedia by Trudi E. Jacobson 

- A Noteworthy Next Class: Making Learning Objectives Work for You by Amy B. James 

Plus book reviews of: The Engaged Library: High-Impact Educational Practices in Academic Libraries; and Learning Beyond the Classroom: Engaging Students in Information Literacy through Co-Curricular Activities; and Meeting the Challenge of Teaching Information Literacy

Go to

Photo by Sheila Webber: wreaths of South London, December 2020

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Statement from the ‘civil society’ track of the 3rd Global Infodemic Management Conference: Stopping the Infodemic from Within

A Statement from the ‘civil society’ track of the World Health Organization's 3rd Global Infodemic Management Conference - Stopping the Infodemic from Within - mentions information literacy in summarising the problems and possible solutions. The biggest message in the statement is the importance of involving communities in combatting infodemics. They propose three challenges and three solutions. 

Solution 3 says that "Literacy is not simply an issue of being able to read and write; comprehensive literacy entails critical thinking and analysis, including an ability to discern fact from fiction. Advancing literacy requires us to understand key barriers to meaningful access to information and services, including healthcare. Once these barriers are understood, investments must be made in literacy capacity building and information infrastructure. Information literacy must be developed with and informed by the inputs, beliefs, attitudes, experiences, perceptions, social norms, and capacities of individuals and communities. Information and communication systems should be developed with communities and a comprehensive understanding of information actors and the existing ecosystem(s) in which they operate. ... Investments should be made globally and locally in media and information literacy education, ensuring it is part of core education curriculum."

Photo by Sheila Webber: another wreath of South London, December 2020

Monday, December 21, 2020

Call for Chapters: Exploring Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogies

There is a call all for chapters for a proposed book to be published by ACRL: Exploring Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogies: Creating Space for All Learners. Proposals are due by 15 January 2020. "Some of the questions we seek to address in this publication include: How do theories and practices related to equitable and inclusive pedagogies inspire your teaching? How have librarians engaged in equitable and inclusive teaching? How might librarians implement equitable and inclusive pedagogy in ways specific to library instruction? Taking an inclusive approach to content, chapters will take a variety of formats such as: reflective and personal essays, narratives, analytical and academic essays, case studies, autoethnographies, lesson plans, or zines and other graphic formats. You can share your ideas for your own teaching or take a more programmatic approach. Submissions may reflect the range of instructional activities and settings with which academic library educators engage" 

More information at

Photo by Sheila Webber: Christmas trees in Second Life, November 2020

Recent articles: student skills; faculty and OERs; Boolean search; scholarly information seeking; COVID

The latest issue of the Journal of Academic Librarianship (priced) (Volume 46 issue 6) includes: 

- Toward a conceptual framework for scholarly information seeking by Sarah Rose Fitzgerald 

- Impact of library instruction on the development of student skills in synthesis and source attribution: A model for academic program assessment by Sarah P.C. Dahlen, Ryne Leuzinger (open access) 

- Incentivizing faculty for open educational resources (OER) adoption and open textbook authoring by Lily Todorinova, Zara T. Wilkinson 

- Boolean redux: Performance of advanced versus simple boolean searches and implications for upper-level instruction by M. Sara Lowe, Sean M. Stone, Bronwen K. Maxson, Eric Snajdr, Willie Miller 

- Implementing an information literacy course: Impact on undergraduate medical students' abilities and attitudes by Baris Sezer 

- Library support for student mental health and well-being in the UK: Before and during the COVID-19 pandemic by Andrew Cox, Liz Brewster (open access) 

- Covid – 19 pandemic and the future of Nigeria's university system: The quest for libraries' relevance by Goodluck Ifijeh, Felicia Yusuf (open access) 

- The role of Roman Urdu in multilingual information retrieval: A regional study by Zanab Safdar, Ruqia Safdar Bajwa, Shafiq Hussain, Haslinda Binti Abdullah, ... Umar Draz 

Go to

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Fake News Immunity project

A research project Being Alone Together: Developing Fake News Immunity project "is about empowering citizens to critically understand and engage with the information manipulations they encounter on the internet" so that citizens can become fact checkers. The project site is at and they have just released a chatbot which aims to train citizens to be sceptical and question the news they encounter. The two distinctive aspects are their analysis, using Natural Language Processing, of a database of news from fact checking sites (with the fact checkers evaluations) and their use of philosophical methods (and avatars of three philosophers - Socrates, Gorgias and Aristotle) in the chatbot. The demo chatbot is here if you want to try it out: I must confess I got a bit impatient with the chatbot after a while, mostly beacuse of me not being able to guess what kind of answers it was expecting and would accept, or perhaps I'm just impatient.  

Photo by Sheila Webber: wreaths of South London, December 2020

Thursday, December 17, 2020

New articles: Sustainability and Libraries

The latest issue of the open access International Journal of Librarianship (vol. 5 no. 2) is an interesting one with the theme of Sustainability and Libraries. Articles include The Use of Social Media Instagram to Disseminate Sustainable Information; Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from Research Libraries; Managing a Sustainable Work-from-Home Scheme. Go to

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

New articles: scoping reviews on: business information literacy; analsying the syllabus for information literacy

The latest issue of open access journal Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (vol 15 number 4) includes (picking out ones most relevant to this blog): 

- Syllabus Mining for Information Literacy Instruction: A Scoping Review by Kathleen Butler, Theresa Calcagno 

- Twenty Years of Business Information Literacy Research: A Scoping Review by Meggan A. Houlihan, Amanda B. Click, Claire Walker Wiley 

and evidence summaries, including 

- Graduate Assistants Trained in Reference May Not Consistently Apply Reference Interview and Instructional Strategies in Reference Interactions (summary by Sarah Bartlett Schroeder) 

- The Urgency and Importance of an Active Information Seeking Task Influence the Interruption of Information Encountering Episodes (summary by Barbara M. Wildemuth) 

- Information Horizons Mapping is Related to Other Measures of Health Literacy but Not Information Literacy (summary by Eugenia Opuda) 

- Students Value Asynchronous Instruction, Individual Projects and Frequent Communication with the Instructor in an Online Library Science Classroom (summary by Heather MacDonald) 

Contents at

Photo by Sheila Webber: farmers market, December 2020

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

California Conference on Library Instruction call for proposals

There is a call for proposals for the California Conference on Library Instruction, taking place online, on May 21, 2021. It has the theme: Same, But Different: How 2020 stretched our teaching capabilities and strengthened our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Proposal deadline is December 21 2020 (extended from the 14th December). "The extraordinary events of 2020 turned online instruction, sometimes viewed with skepticism, into the only viable way to reach our students. In the process of converting teaching and allied services from in-person to online, DEI issues have continued to disproportionately affect our most vulnerable populations of students. CCLI 2021 will provide a venue to reflect on the various ways we have responded to these very unique challenges." More info at

Photo by Sheila Webber: fluffy cat, December 2020

Monday, December 14, 2020

Draft Framework for Information Literacy in Sociology

The Instruction & Information Literacy Committee of the ACRL Anthropology & Sociology Section has created a draft Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education in Sociology, and seeks feedback by January 31 2021. They use the "five essential concepts: The Sociological Eye, Social Structure, Socialization, Stratification, and Social Change and Social Reproduction" of the Sociological Literacy Framework (SLF) as the lens for each of the ACRL frames.The document starts with a definition of Sociological information literacy and a brief summary of how the document ws drafted. Questions to ANSS-IIL Co-chairs Gina Schlesselman-Tarango at or Krystal Lewis (Co-PI) at Go to for links to the document, and to the feedback survey (the link to that is in the paragraph of text). 

Photo by Sheila Webber: more winter oak leaves, December 2020

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Presentations from #CILIPConf20 health literacy and digital pivot

Presentations from the CILIP conference (held in November 2020) are available on CILIP Slideshare. Ones I think particularly relevant to this blog are:

Ruth Carlyle Health Literacy: Knowledge for healthcare and building on your skills 

Bob Gann Supporting digital health literacy and combating digital health inequalities: what libraries can do 

Jane Secker The 'Digital Pivot' - the role of librarnas and knowledge specialists in moving teaching and learning online 

Hossam Kassum The 'Digital Pivot' - the role of librarians and knowledge specialists in moving teaching and learning onlines 

Claire McGuinness and Crystal Fulton Preparing to Pivot: From Blended to Online Learning in the time of COVID 

Photo by Sheila Webber: local Christmas wreaths II, December 2020

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Forthcoming short courses

Forthcoming Library Juice Academy short courses include 

- Critical Concepts in LIS: Research, Teaching, and Practice; US $175.00; Dates: January 4 - January 31. 

- Sociology of Information Disorder and Fake News; US $250.00; Dates: January 4 - February 14. 

- Inclusive Instructional Design; US $175.00; Dates: February 1 - February 28.

Photo by Sheila Webber: dead leaves on a wall, November 2020

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Working Group on Infodemics Policy Framework

The Forum on Information and Democracy (an international organisation with high level connections) has had a working group on Infodemics, which produced a report in November 2020. It focuses on regulatory solutions and measures that could be taken by platforms, with recommendations to governments and online service providers. The start of the report outlines the origins and workings of the Forum. The steering committee of the working group is international, as were the 60 experts consulted for the report. I don't think anyone from an Information School or a library agency was included, distrubingly it seems like no international forum or agency appears to think that anyone from information science or librarianship has anything to contribute on the topic of infodemics. The report can be downloaded here:

Photo by Sheila Webber: early winter leaves, December 2020

Monday, December 07, 2020

New articles: Information Literacy bibliography 2019; business students; undergrads IL; Attitudes to Google Scholar

The latest issue of priced publication Reference Services Review is Volume 48 Issue 4. It includes 

- Library instruction and information literacy 2019 by Tessa Withorn, Joanna Messer Kimmitt, Carolyn Caffrey Gardner, Anthony Andora, Cristina Springfield, Dana Ospina, Maggie Clarke, George Martinez, Amalia Castañeda, Aric Haas, Wendolyn Vermeer. This is the latest of the annual annotated bibliographies published by RSR. "This year, 370 articles, books, reports and dissertations are annotated and organized in the following categories: K-12 Education, Children and Adolescents (31); Academic and Professional Programs (257); Everyday Life, Community and the Workplace (30); Libraries and Health Information Literacy (23); Multiple Library Types (13); and Other Information Literacy Research and Theory (16)." As usual, this is not a comprehensive listing of all articles to do with information literacy from 2019, but it covers English-language LIS journals well and is very useful. When I accessed it the pdf was of the article from the previous year, but the web version was correct, hopefully it will all be correct by the time you look at it.

- Relating library user education to business students’ information needs and learning practices: a comparative study by Yifei Zhang, Patrick Lo, Stuart So, Dickson K.W. Chiu 

- Belief in importance of information literacy abilities among undergraduates. Underlying factors and analysis of variance by Maria Pinto, David Caballero, Dora Sales, Alicia Segura 

- OhioLINK librarians and Google Scholar over time: a longitudinal analysis of attitudes and uses by David Luftig, Joan Plungis. 

Go to

Photo by Sheila Webber: I made the Christmas puddings a week ago, using my mother's recipe. They are now all cooked (steamed) and maturing.

Sunday, December 06, 2020

New articles: Interdisciplinarity of Information Science Research @zin_journal

The Polish journal ZIN Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej (volume 58 no. 1A) has an interesting issue on Interdisciplinarity of Information Science Research. The home page is (unsurprisingly) in Polish, but click the UK flag top right and you have the page in English and the articles are in English. They include: 

- Complex Interdisciplinary Approach to Modelling Information Literacy Education by Tibor Koltay, Enikő Szőke-Milinte 

- Affective Factors in Human Information Behavior: A Conceptual Analysis of Interdisciplinary Research on Information Behavior by Monika Krakowska 

- Theoretical Bases of Critical Data Studies by Łukasz Iwasiński 

- Information Science in Dialogue with Archival Science, Library Science and Museum Studies: The Recent Brazilian Experience by Carlos Alberto Ávila Araújo 

Go to  

Photo by Sheila Webber: old oak, November 2020

Saturday, December 05, 2020

Misinformation Workshop; Public pedagogy

Material from the CILIP Scotland conference (held in October 2020) have been released, notably:

- a prezi and padlet from the workshop Fighting ‘Fake News’: a workshop on misinformation, delivered by Paul Gray, Jenny Foreman, and Morag Higgison, Scottish Government Librarians  and (the prezi is extensive, but noone seems to have contributed to the padlet yet). 

- recording of Sheila MacNeill's keynote presentation The Role of Public Pedagogy, Open Education and Information Literacy in a Rapidly Changing World - I already blogged her own blog post about it and her powerpoint here.

Photo by Sheila Webber: The first Xmas wreath: spotted a couple of weeks ago, there are loads of them about now.

Thursday, December 03, 2020

New articles: infolit and lifelong learning; trends in LIS research

The latest issue of open-access IFLA Journal (volume 46 no. 3) can now be downloaded from the IFLA website (the whole issue in a pdf). It includes: 

- The effect of information literacy instruction on lifelong learning readiness Leili Seifi, Maryam Habibi and Mohsen Ayati 

- National and international trends in library and information science research: A comparative review of the literature Mallikarjun Dora and H. Anil Kumar 

Go to  

Photo by Sheila Webber: path on the heath, December 2020

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Business Reference in Academic Libraries webinar

On December 9th and 16th there is a series of sessions comprising The Brass (Business Reference and Services Section) Symposium. Several sessions are relevant to this blog. The timetable is as follows - all times are US Eastern time (which is, e.g., 5 hours behind time in the UK)

- December 9th 12:00 - 12:45 p.m. US EST. Make a Case: Strategies for writing effective business information literacy case studies during COVID-19 and beyond. Presenters: Zoeanna Mayhook and Dr. Annette Bochenek 

- December 9th from 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. US EST. Classroom Assessment in the Virtual Classroom. Presenter: Chloe Dufour 

- December 9th from 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. EST. The Ladder of Inference and 4-Step Source Assessment Model: Making Connection between Business and Information Literacy. Presenter: Grace Liu 

- December 16th from 12:00 - 12:45 p.m. EST. You, me, and data literacy: A professional community exploration through the emerging themes from the research on business and economics librarians' data literacy instruction practices. Presenter: Charissa Jefferson 

- December 16th from 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. EST. Rework the Network: Virtual Outreach Methods in the Covid Era. Presenters: Alexandra Howard and Amber Willenborg 

- December 16th from 3:00 - 3:45 p.m. EST. Light, camera, action: attracting business students to library resources. Presenter: Doris Jui 

- December 16th from 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. EST. Outreach, Collections and Open Educational Resources: Unique partners with ideas for saving cost during a pandemic. Presenters: Janet Reid and Patricia Sobczak

To register go to Photo by Sheila Webber: imprint of a leaf on teh pavement, November 2020

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

New articles: researching conflicts; digital reading; IL in public libraries; university-school outreach; nursing students

The latest issue (Volume 14 No 2) of open access Journal of Information Literacy has been published. The articles are: 

- Be kind: Teaching for information literacy in a pandemic era by Alison Hicks (Editorial)

- Students’ approaches when researching complex geographical conflicts using the internet by Eva Engelen, Alexandra Budke  (the participants were secondary school students in Germany)

- How to teach digital reading? by Fei Victor Lim, Weimin Toh 

- Information literacy outreach between universities and schools by Sharon Wagg, Pam McKinney (a case study using situational analysis of a programme)

- Information literacy instruction in public libraries by Miriam Louise Matteson, Beate Gersch  ("Key findings were that public librarians incorporate a range of IL concepts in their interactions with patrons, across a wide variety of expressed information needs, with most of the instruction directed toward helping patrons plan their information tasks, access information, and judge information. Secondary themes showed that although librarians believed strongly in the value and importance of providing instruction, individual and situational factors presented barriers to effective instruction.")

- Developing information literacy skills in elementary students [10-12 years] using the web-based Inquiry Strategies for the Information Society of the Twenty-First (ISIS-21) Century by Anne C. Wade, Larysa Lysenko,Philip C. Abrami 

- Innovative digital tools in EBP [evidence based practice] and information literacy education for undergraduate nursing students by Bryan Chan, Ruth Wei 

Go to  

Photo by Sheila Webber: autumn anemone, November 2020