Friday, June 07, 2024

Webinar: digital reading

Photo by Sheila Webber; geese babysitting about 20 goslings by taking them for a walk in Vancouver in May 2024
On 14 June 2024 at 12.30 US Eastern time (which is 17.30 Uk time) there is a free webinar hosted by the Special Libraries Association Education Division and ACRL's EBSS Education Committee on digital reading. It is presented by Dr. Jenae Cohn (Executive Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at University of California, Berkeley).
"Many college and university students struggle with academic reading (Smale 2020, Carillo 2019, Sweeney 2018, Schneps 2013), and this struggle can become compounded when that reading is delivered on-screen. With the rise in usage of Open Educational Resources (OERs), digital textbooks, and websites for academic content, students constantly switch between reading instructional content, academic content, and social content. Strategies to support students’ switching between genres and purposes for reading are well-documented, but less documented are strategies for aligning students’ understanding with reading genre, purpose, and media combined (Sweeney 2018, Coiro 2015). In this session we will consider how we design reading assignments in informed ways to create meaningful, deep, and sustained reading practices with attention to reading media.
"We will examine the need for attention to reading media in the context of students’ lived experiences, particularly in the wake of increased attention to and need for use of affordable instructional materials online and attentiveness to students’ use of mobile phones for accessing academic materials (Gierdowski 2019, Rockey 2023). This conversation will be guided with an exploration of a digital reading framework to align with assignment and activity design (Cohn 2021)."
Register at
Photo by Sheila Webber; geese babysitting their friends' goslings, Vancouver, Canada, May 2024

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