Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Concept Note: #GlobalMILWeek 2024

A photo of a summery blue sky with a small white cloud and tree branches

UNESCO issued a Concept Note for the 2024 Global Media and Information Literacy Week (24-31 October), and specifically for the feature conference that will take place in Amman, Jordan 30-31 October. The theme is The New Digital Frontiers of Information Media and Information Literacy for Public Interest Information
"This year's theme will highlight the paramount importance of media and information literacy in navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of information creation, dissemination, and consumption, paving the way for a safer, more inclusive, and empowering digital future for all."
"This year’s theme will highlight the importance of equipping people with the skills to think critically and evaluate information, discern fact from fiction, and engage responsibly in online discourse. This is particularly necessary in today’s digitalecosystem.
"Digital platforms have revolutionized the way information and news are created and consumed, allowing users to access, share and engage with content in real time. A new generation of online content creators, whether journalists, activists, or influencers, are reshaping how information is disseminated in unprecedented ways.  ...  while contributing to greater diversity of voices and perspectives online, this also raises questions about the reliability, professionalism, and ethics of the content produced. In addition, the emergence of generative artificial intelligence brings new complexities to the information landscape."
See the complete statement at https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000390716.locale=enPhoto by Sheila Webber: sunny sky, Sheffield, August 2024

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