Thursday, March 15, 2007

Embedding information literacy in the curriculum

The Yorkshire Universities Information Skills Group will be running a joint workshop with the CILIP CSG Information Literacy Group on Tuesday 22 May at the University of Sheffield, UK, Embedding information literacy in the curriculum. It is aimed at library staff who are just starting to teach information literacy, although may be of interest to more experienced staff. Includes: IL, what is it and why is it important? Debbi Boden and Ruth Stubbings; Why embed IL? - an academic's perspective, Aidan While, Director of Undergraduate Teaching in Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield; Does the subject make a difference? Sarah Taylor , Vic Grant, and Ellie Clement; A success story from the University of Leeds, Angela Newton.

Cost £35 plus £5.95 VAT (£30 + £5.25 VAT for CSG IL members). Details about travel to the venue are available from Contact Helen Harrington(, with the following details: Your name: Institution name: Postal address: Email address: Addtional requirements, Order number (if applicable) Queries to Lyn Parker ( or Grace Hudson(
Photo by Sheila Webber: Worcestershire Beacon, looking to North Hill, Malvern, March 2007.

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