Tuesday, July 16, 2024

UK Government and AI

Image created by Sheila Webber using Midjourney AI of the back view of students sitting at desks in an exam hall

There is an artificial intelligence section on the UK Government wesite. In particular, there is an interesting report which was produced by an international panel of experts for the Seoul AI Summit in May 2024, the International Scientific Report on the Safety of Advanced AI (published by the UK Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and AI Safety Institute "The interim report restricts its focus to a summary of the evidence on general-purpose AI, which have advanced rapidly in recent years. The report synthesises the evidence base on the capabilities of, and risks from, general-purpose AI and evaluates technical methods for assessing and mitigating them." https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/international-scientific-report-on-the-safety-of-advanced-ai 

Some other pages on the website are
- stating OfQual's position on use of AI in qualifications (OfQual oversees the agencies that set and mark qualification examinations in England, in particular the qualifications that are awarded in schools). The statement focuses particularly on the use in marking (marking should still be done by humans) and invigilation, as well as some ststements about agencies' responsibility in setting guidelines for use by learners (April 2024).
- saying how they used AI to analyse responses to an (unpecified) government consultation. I think this might make me even more cynical about governemnt consultations. (9 July 2024)
- saying how jolly it is using AI in defence technology https://www.gov.uk/guidance/ai-and-data-science-defence-science-and-technology-capability (June 2024)
It will be interesting to see what is added/removed when the new Government gets round to looking at AI. I noticed that the Seoul Ministerial Statement for advancing AI safety, innovation and inclusivity: AI Seoul Summit 2024 (22 May 2024) is already labelled "This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government"....
Image created by Sheila Webber using Midjourney AI

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