Monday, July 08, 2024

Webinar and report: Towards universal access to reliable healthcare information

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On 30 July 2024 at 14.00-15.00 BST (UK time) there is a panel discussing the results from a global survey on the need reliable healthcare information throughout the world: Towards universal access to reliable healthcare information. It is organised by Healthcare Information for All.
Register at:
"In late 2023 HIFA conducted a global consultation for WHO [Wor;d Health Organization] to assess stakeholder perspectives on universal access to reliable healthcare information and how to accelerate progress. 2410 individuals from 135 countries participated, representing all six stakeholder groups in the global evidence ecosystem (generating, publishing, synthesising, packaging, finding, and applying evidence). Respondents overwhelmingly called for WHO to explicitly champion the goal of universal access to reliable healthcare information, and for WHO and HIFA to convene stakeholders to develop a global strategy to accelerate progress. "
The press release is here

The full report is here: and the report infographic is here:

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