Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Information Literacy as a Concept and Practice: Where Are We Going?

Photo by Sheila Webber of a white rose and green leaves in July 2024
The recording of the webinar held on 29 July 2024, Information Literacy as a Concept and Practice: Where Are We Going?, (hosted by The Ohio State University Libraries) is available. The panellists are: Veronica Arellano Douglas (University of Houston, USA), Clarence Maybee (Purdue University, USA), Sara Miller (Michigan State University, USA) and Logan Rath (State University, New York State, USA).
"Definitions of information literacy have evolved over the past 50 years. How does “second-wave” information literacy differ from “first-wave” information literacy? What changes may be in store for how we think about information literacy as a concept and how we practice information literacy? Should we think about information literacy as a discipline? How will the relationship between information literacy and critical information literacy continue to develop? How should the Framework for Information Literacy evolve? This discussion will explore how our conception of information literacy has evolved and may continue to transform."
The slides are here and the recording is here https://youtu.be/FsWnlcqGWaU?feature=shared
Photo by Sheila Webber: white rose, July 2024

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