Thursday, September 12, 2024

UNESCO AI Competency frameworks

A photo of a mulberry on a small china plate

UNESCO has published two AI Competency frameworks: for students and for teachers. The AI competency framework for teachers has three levls of progression (Acquire, Deepen, Create) and five competency aspects: The Human-centred mindset; Ethics of AI; AI Foundations and applications; AI pedagogy and AI for professional development.
Miao, F. & Cukurova, M. (2024). The AI competency framework for teachers. UNESCO.

The AI competency framework for students has three levels: Understand, Apply and Create and four competency aspects: Human-centred mindset; Ethics of AI; AI techniques and applications and AI system design.
Miao, F. & Shiohira, K. (2024). AI competency framework for students. UNESCO.
Sadly they don't seem to have collaborated with the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy initiative (whose cuuriculum for MIL includes an AI literacy component).
Photo by Sheila Webber: a mulberry from this 400 year old tree

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